Bloor Homes is undertaking pre-application consultation on plans for a residential development, including extensive, publicly accessible open spaces, green walking routes, cycle ways and children’s play areas.
The cycle ways and walking routes will be publicly accessible from the Eatch Estate via an existing link. There will be no vehicular access through this link other than for emergency vehicles. A single point of vehicular access into the site is proposed from Somerby Hill.
We value local knowledge and welcome your input. Please take your time to review the proposals and to fill in the feedback section.
A variety of house-types to reflect the housing mix specified by South Kesteven District Council. 30% affordable housing.
Available as either rented, shared or first homes. 10% of houses will also be designed to comply with part M4(2) of the building regulations which means they will be more suitable for wheelchair users.
Including routes through and around the site providing opportunities for exercise and dog-walking.
Providing opportunities for informal recreation and relaxation including children’s play areas.
A new, on-site surface water drainage system with planting for wildlife.
Vehicular access via a new priority T-Junction.
Infrastructure to support electric vehicle charging, with all new dwellings provided with an EV point.
To off-site infrastructure, which is likely to include public transport, off-site highways improvements, health facilities, education and fire and rescue services.
The proposed development will deliver 30 per cent affordable dwellings which will range in size from 1-4 bed homes.
The tenure of the affordable homes will be discussed with the Council’s Housing Officer but is likely to include a mix of rented, shared or first homes.
The site comprises two agricultural fields. On of the fields already has outline planning permission for 205 dwellings, granted in November 2021 (Application Number S19/0338). Subsequently, the other field has been incorporated to give a larger overall site for development, enabling better amenity for the new dwellings, public spaces and views to locally important features.
The site is well located for residential development, with ease of access by foot or cycle to existing facilities and amenities in Grantham town centre. It has been agreed with Lincolnshire County Council that a S106 financial contribution will be made to provide bus services to the site. Provision will also be made for a pair of bus stops on the A52 near to the site.
Local Plan Policy ID1 (Infrastructure for Growth) states that all development proposals will be expected to demonstrate that there is, or will be, sufficient infrastructure capacity (including green infrastructure) to support and meet the essential infrastructure requirements arising from the proposed development.
The following are likely to be requested to be delivered as part of the application:
Vehicle access to the site is proposed via a new T-junction onto the A52 towards the north-western end of the site. The main site access route has been designed to allow for future bus access to the site, should this be required.
Footways will be provided on either side of the site access to connect to the existing footway provision on the north side of the A52. Additionally, a network of pedestrian/cycle routes will be provided within the site to provide links to the existing local highway network to the west of the site (Eastwood Drive) and potential future redevelopment of the Prince William of Gloucester Barracks to the east of the site.
All new build dwellings will have electric vehicle charging facilities. Changes to building regulations to deliver the Government’s ‘Future Homes Standard’ means that new homes will have a 31% reduction in CO2 when compared to current standards. Bloor Homes applies a ‘fabric first’ approach in their house type design. The fabric first approach has a number of clear benefits, notably that it is built into the property for its whole life.
A planning application is expected to be submitted during Spring 2023. Following the submission of the planning application, South Kesteven District Council will undertake a period of statutory consultation on the application. At this stage you will have the opportunity to submit your comments on the application to the Council before a decision is made. It is expected that the application will be determined by the Council later in 2023.
Thank you for reviewing the development proposals. Please take your time to complete the form and return to Engage Planning.
Bloor Homes have been building quality homes for over 50 years and is now the largest privately-owned housebuilder in the UK. We have a proven track record in delivering successful new communities. We take great pride in delivering high quality and energy efficient homes and are proud to be named a 5* housebuilder for Customer Satisfaction by the Home Builders Federation for five consecutive years.
Engage Planning Ltd, Warwick Innovation Centre, Warwick Technology Park, Warwick,
CV34 6UW Telephone: 01926 623095
Email: [email protected]